The best Coronavirus joke ever. Literally.

If they keep it this way, many will end up in Sepultura.

Sometimes my memes are 3D. And you can own them. Or send them to someone.
You can even eat some of them.

These socks are average quality, but if you’re a #StayHomer they’ll probably last you a lifetime.

These flip-flops are overpriced by the manufacturer, not me, but if you’re #StayHomer, you deserve to pay $35 for $10 worth of crap

I also accept nominations for the best 0-budget marketing campaign if they fly me out of my home-detention.

To be continued?
Our work and existence, as media and people, is funded solely by our most generous supporters. But we’re not really covering our costs so far, and we’re in dire needs to upgrade our equipment, especially for video production.
Help survive and grow, please donate here, anything helps. Thank you!